Avail yourself to our remarkable trove of wit and wisdom. Every episode is here in chronological order for perusal and near-endless enjoyment.

This week, the gang reads some emails they've received lately. They're good because they present accountability, critical thinking, and a desire for higher standards. The show needs these things, and Rick, Liz, and Evan appreciate the feedback. Also, Liz is big on six-word stories. Evan's business is growing, and Rick learned how to read a crowd last weekend opening for Kevin Farley.

Rick says the Pacific Coast Highway from San Fransisco to San Diego is a great road trip. Then, the group discusses the devastation wildfires have brought to LA.

Mindful that this show fits in the Comedy genre, everybody jumps into their resolutions, or commitments to a personal goal.

How much weight does Evan want to lose? What's his target weight? Follow his journey for inspiration!

Liz is laughing more in '25 and even has a pair of tickets to see Nate Bargatze to ensure the momentum carries on.

Rick is getting on stage more. This weekend he'll be opening for Kevin Farley (Chris's brother) in New Hampshire. Now he just needs to get a workflow in order to manage it all.

Finally, Liz gushes about meeting the 90s actor from Party of Five that she was totally in love with on the show. His name is Scott Wolf. Hear what Liz has to say and decide if he's cool or if he's a dick.

This week's esteemed sponsors:

Winslow Design - @Winslowdesignarch - winslowdesign.net

Perez Martial Arts - @perezmartialarts - perezmartialarts.com

Happy New Year! It's going to be great! Really!

The gang stays on brand in the new year with a sophomoric start to the show discussing bodily fluids. A declaration is made, April 10 is Liz's birthday and will become a Federal Holiday called "Tell It Like It Is" Day where you just get real with people without recourse.

Then Rick and Liz go toe-to-toe with conflicting fashion advice. Who's advice will you follow?

Evan explains how to remember someone's name. Think animals and alliteration!

Update on the Wellesley (MA) Residents vs. MA Horticultural Society sledding hill controversy. Liz shares some more details that might help the "plant people" not look so bad. Hear their side of the story!

As a guy who has flown a plane, Rick knows what he's talking about as he rants against some laws regarding drones. Evan has also flown a plane as well as a drone. Hear where this conversation lands!

Special thanks to our sponsors...

Royal Pizza, royalpizzamedfield.com


APC Pest & Termite Control, apcpest.com

Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Happy Hangovers?

Rick's one-on-one with Corey Manning rolls into another episode as they talk about staying sober through the holidays and beyond. When Corey isn't telling jokes on stage, he's in a workshop facilitating substance abuse intervention and prevention.

Hear Corey's recovery story from first using at six years old to stay sober for 30 years. He's very aware of the pitfalls of substance abuse and offers advice and support with his unique blend of comedy, insights, and education.

Rick sits back with Corey Manning, a stand-up comic with some awesome credits. The Apollo Theater, Family Feud, and a rap performance with DMC!

He also overcame prostate cancer and addiction, and from that comes some of his most important work. When he's not killing it on stage, he's in the schools and around the communities to talk about substance abuse. Other times, he's talking to patients or families going through the unknowns of cancer.

Check out coreymanning.com

Drones are everywhere! And we're not talking about your department store toy version. Oh no! These drones are big and abundant and are not good at disclosing to the public their intentions.

But don't worry because the Government clearly has everything under control and there is nothing to see here. Who or what is behind these drones? Rick thinks it's China. Evan thinks it's Iran. Liz just wants them to deliver her some Amazon packages.

Also; dream interpretations, a military-grade school bus driver with a unique style for establishing discipline, and some fun facts about donkey shows.

Mike "The Minister of Misinformation from Mesa" brings the Southwestern heat down upon the co-hosts for flagrant lies, misinformation, and fake news!

Liz reads through the line-item list of offenses in the past month and it basically takes up the whole episode. So, If you love self-deprecating humor, this episode is for you (but you should fact check that first).

Also, Liz has tips to prank a co-worker with made-up office jargon, Evan goes off on P. Diddy and JayZ, and Rick calls Marjorie Taylor Green a c*nt without recourse.

Big shout out to our sponsors APC Pest Control and Royal Pizza!

You got a pest problem? Visit apcpest.com. They've been knockin' them dead since 1981.

Are you hungry after making that call to APC Pest? Great! Now call Royal Pizza and let them take care of dinner. Check them out at royalpizzamedfield.com.

Why do an average 75% of graduating class members NOT attend their high school reunion? Maybe it's nerves, maybe it's just a scheduling conflict, or maybe they don't want to bump into the teacher they slept with Senior year. Whatever the reason, Rick attended his 30th and explains why you're missing out if you don't go. Also, Christmas lights are great, but 9 out of 10 times, there's a stressed out Dad behind-the-scenes keeping them going. Also, Christmas tree bonfires, a throwback theme song, and an unexpected Peter Griffin drop-in. All this and more thanks to our dazzling sponsors, Perez Martial Arts, and Larkins Wine and Spirits.

Hey, Scuttlebuds, thanks for your patience on this episode. We experienced some technical issues with the recording. Our apologies. The good news is we have since set up the studio equipment with the help of a professional, and the sound quality moving forward will be stunning!

In this episode, Liz starts by talking about her high school kid making $600 on a pair of sneakers...in a parking lot...to a random man...he connected with via the internet. Then, Evan talks about a dress-up event he's attending with his wife and the gang makes predictions regarding number of puking incidents etc. Rick follows up on his story about the David Letterman tickets he obtained by writing a letter telling the box office he was dying. He wrote a letter of apology and they sent him the best gift ever!

Big shout out to our super sponsors, Park Street Books and The Pottery Place, and Winslow Design.

Big Story: Some Keystone Kops apprehend a kid for going for a walk. Seriously. Mom is accused of being negligent.

Shit's going down in this Georgia small town!

Short on time and forgot to pack your cock ring for the business trip? Fear not! CVS has you covered. Cock rings! Dildos! Butt plugs! Stuff that vibrates! It's all there! Some people think it's a little much to have on the shelves at your local pharmacy while others applaud the move.

The whole show sorta has the "sex toy"vibe. What does that mean? We don't know, we just made the term up now. But, it can be described as this giddy, wordplay, puns abound conversation that is at least funny to the hosts.

Also, big shout outs to APC Pest Control and Park Street Books and Toys and The Pottery Place.
