Avail yourself to our remarkable trove of wit and wisdom. Every episode is here in chronological order for perusal and near-endless enjoyment.

When the market gets volatile, you need the Volatility Wiz! Scott Murray trades derivatives with an eye for spotting risks and rewards. He shares (random) opinions covering his dislike for fed chair Jay Powell to why he vows never to eat KFC again. Here's a shout out to his 20,000 Twitter followers checking out the show!

When it comes to a maintaining a nice yard, do you really know what you're doing? Of course you do, 'cuz you're a damn Scuttlebud! But man, have you seen your neighbor's yard? What the heck is going on over there? Learn some tips and tricks and bring up your curb appeal!

Mike's mother-in-law, Marjann Mahon visits the basement to drop some science on life with her meme wisdom. Virtual signalers should get a pen and take some notes!

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Gina Duffy shares how she can take her clients to another realm. Also, Mike loses his shit in a Burger King.

Smear Campaign bassist, Jamie Nicholson and frontman Jay "JK47" Keith enter the basement and reveal their best stories involving their worst moments on stage.

Are you handy? Tell us you at least own a hammer. Regardless, Rick explores Mike's passion for the art he creates with wood. Also, Tool Draft 2022, tips and tricks, and how not to cut off your fingers!

"Pickleball Bangers" Lizzie Moran and Will Jamieson from Duxbury, MA enter the basement to explain why pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the nation. Does bangin' in the kitchen sound fun? This might be the sport for you!

The desert is a great place to unplug and reset. Jeff Buell from Adventure Base Camps hangs out in the basement. We're talking about self care from hiking and mountain biking in Moab.

Mommy blogs have hot tips for hosting perfect birthday parties for kids. Boring! Instead, we cut to the chase and tell you what not to do. You're welcome.

The high school drama club refuses Rick's $100 charitable offering. An abbreviated list of people who need a punch in the face. Liz Daly comes down to the basement and talks about peculiar grooming products favored by some women.
